Crypto ATMs for sale in Cyprus
Bitcovault Crypto ATMs Сompany offers you to buy Bitcoin ATMs in Cyprus with equipment delivery to your business location in CY.
Bitcoin ATMs for sale provided by Bitcovault is an excellent opportunity to start your own profitable business in Cyprus in the field of crypto technologies with a minimum return on investment and payback period.
Our benefits
Adjust fees and control ROI

2 weeks lead time

Free shipping across USA

1-year warranty

Hardware and Security
Ergonomically sleek and Smart Design with several color options to choose from

Easy to install with safety option to bolt ATM to the floor

MEI Bill Acceptor with 1200 bill capacity AND Fujitsu Bill Dispenser with 1000 bill capacity

17’-19’ Touch Screen options

Custom Thermal Printer that prints QR Code receipts for your customers

Built with robust steel material weighing approx. 235 lb.

Designed for secure cash access through Double Panel entry equipped with electronic Audit Lock

Simple access for First Line maintenance personnel

The most advanced webcam available
State-of-the-art software with reliable back-end access
About Bitcovault Bitcoin ATMs
Bitcovault teller machines for cryptocurrency exchanging: Bitcoin and Ethereum into fiat money (euro, etc.) are reliable and flexible; they are manufactured by the company with a great experience in the field of fintech equipment and software development.
It is worth noting that the software installed on Bitcoin ATMs produced by Bitcovault is developed by a team of developers inside the company, which ensures the reliability and flexibility of the whole crypto system. We have also developed our own crypto wallet called Payperless - which guarantees that we have a state-of-the-art team of developers and technical support for our product - Bitcoin machines in CY.
Regulation of cryptocurrencies and crypto business in Cyprus
There is no full-fledged regulation of cryptocurrencies in Cyprus. The government recognizes cryptocurrencies as a financial instrument so that Cypriot investment companies can use them legally. Income from trading in cryptocurrencies is taxable. The income tax rate for companies is 12.5%, and for individuals, the tax is determined on a progressive scale.
The regulation of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies in Cyprus at the moment remains unfinished. However, the authorities of the republic are taking measures and developing a unified regulatory mechanism for granting formal legal status to digital assets. The existence of a regulatory framework will regulate the activities of financial, payment companies, brokers, and traders at the state level.
Financial Industry Development in Cyprus
Today, the island state is on the list of the most attractive countries for organizers of fintech companies using blockchain technology. The country's authorities are showing an increased interest in smart contracts, with a subsequent expansion of their scope.
Integrating blockchain into the state system is an initial step that will allow Cyprus to create the most favorable atmosphere for initiators and foreign investors with plans to conduct activities in the field of crypto-assets.
Skeptics assure that all digital currencies (which are the most popular crypto-assets in the world) cannot be official bank currencies and must be defined as some kind of digital commodity. However, many countries in the European Economic Area and other economic territories are working to create new legislation based on existing EU directives regarding blockchain.
Regarding fintech activities and crypto ATMs business in Cyprus, new and existing companies need to be aware of the following aspects:
- Cypriot legislation does not currently have a precise definition of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology;
- the government of the Republic has initiated new projects with the participation of the Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) to develop DLT and control the OTC market;
- according to regulations, cryptocurrency use is allowed in the jurisdiction - sellers and buyers, as well as companies with exchange services, do not receive any prohibitions or restrictions on activities; according to the CySEC findings, the circulation of virtual money in Cyprus directly contributes to the development of crowdfunding platforms and start-ups (including in the financial innovation sector);
- despite the lack of separate legal status, blockchain and cryptocurrencies of the Republic attract a large number of innovative companies with funding through ICOs.
FAQ on Bitcoin ATMs business in Cyprus:
Yes, it is. A Bitcoin teller machines operator in Cyprus could recoup his investments in 3 to 6 months of business operation. More information on return of investments into crypto ATMs can be found at our profit calculator page.
Bitcoin ATMs in Cyprus market may go for as low as $5000-6000 and sell as high as $14,500. The amount for a crypto machine depends on the bitcoin ATM manufacturer and the features of the hardware. The Bitcovault BTC machine that you can buy in the territory of *the US* is a modern ATM that is flexible and reliable thanks to its robust software. All Bitcovault ATM models with prices and description can be found on our online store page.
Yes, it is. You could earn a monthly $2,000 commission on a $20,000 crypto transactions volume if you choose the right place for your ATM business in the territory of Cyprus. ATM location is a separate question that is very important for the wealth of your business.